Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nunnally Girls!

My how quickly time goes by. Four short years ago we never would have imagined that we would be the proud parents of two beautiful, active girls. Although our lives are always busy and full we love every minute of it.

Rachel Elaine our first daughter was born on a beautiful summer day in June 2007. She has always been the active child. She loves to figure out how things work by taking them apart. She is also loves coloring and creating things with play dough.

Rebecca Anne our baby was our Christmas present born the day after Christmas 2007. She is our quite, reserved, snuggle muffin. She prefers to be with her mommy or daddy. Becca as we call her doesn't say much but easily lets us know what she would like. She also likes to remind her sister that she may be small but can hold her own. Becca and Rachel squabble some times but Becca absolutely adores her sister.